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    Career Epoch


    These are some of the projects I've been working on that I want to showcase! This page is generated from my list of pinned repositories on Github, but if you want to see other things I've done, you can visit my profile.

    My website and resume are generated using Gatsby, Bulma, react-pdf, and Contentful.

    These are OpenTofu files that can provision my GCP project, DNS records, and Proxmox VMs

    This is an Ansible playbook and Packer files to configure all of my homelab infrastructure.

    To keep my Ansible roles debloated, I've extracted all of the containers I host into this Helm chart.


    Purdue University

    West Lafayette Campus

    Fall 2015 - Spring 2019

    • Majors

      Computer Science
    • Minors

      MathematicsMusic Theory & History
    • Concentrations

      Software EngineeringSystems ProgrammingProgramming Languages

    Contact Me

    Please say hi! If you send me a message, I'll typically respond within one or two days.